Guest Commentary: Merely Passing Amendments Does Not Guarantee Reproductive Choice

Pro-choice demonstrators rally in Naples, Fla., on May 3, 2022. (Photo: Author)

July 11, 2024 by Christina Diamond

Floridians are angry. We have been angry since the overturning of Roe v. Wade two years ago and more outraged since our Republican-controlled state legislature subsequently passed a 6-week abortion ban. Our anger has been channeled into action. We have worked hard to ensure that a constitutional amendment to allow abortions until viability will appear on the ballot in November as Amendment 4. However, merely passing this Amendment does not guarantee the reproductive choice Floridians hope for. In addition, we need state legislators who will support it rather than work to kill it.

Florida is under the national spotlight. Choice is on the ballot in November throughout the country. The overwhelming majority of Floridians and Americans think we should all have the freedom to make our own personal healthcare decisions without interference from politicians. Polls show that well over 60 percent of registered voters in the state support Amendment 4, the threshold required for it to pass.

Florida’s governor Ron DeSantis and his Republican super-majority in the state legislature are actively opposing the Amendment. No surprise. They are the ones who voted to pass the 6-week ban in the first place. In recent constitutional amendments that Florida voters passed, Florida's elected Republican representatives ignored the voice of the people and passed laws or filed lawsuits that put obstacles in the path to implementing the voter-approved change. Unless we elect more pro-choice legislators this year, the Republican super-majority will undoubtedly weaken, stall, and hinder the full enforcement of Amendment 4.

Voters must understand that electing representatives to the Florida legislature who will carry out Amendment 4 is the final step in restoring access to this critical reproductive healthcare. Ruth’s List Florida is working to do just that. Our organization recruits, trains, and helps elect pro-choice women to the state legislature. Electing these women is key to ensuring that Amendment 4 is implemented and that the will of the voters is realized.

Ruth’s List is committed to electing thoughtful, forward-thinking pro-choice women who will roll up their sleeves and drive meaningful change as elected officials. With financial support and campaign training, Ruth’s List works to help qualified women win elected positions across the state at all levels of government- women who fight for what Floridians want- the opportunity to live their best lives without government interference in their most personal decisions.

On Amendment 4, Ruth's List ( is clearly in touch with the majority of voters in Florida. We strongly support Amendment 4 by working to ensure that more pro-choice women are elected to the state legislature so that the Amendment is fully enacted. As Floridians, we must pass Amendment 4 and we must elect the pro-choice women who will implement it. Lives depend on it. Failure is not an option. The opportunity to cast a vote to reverse the 6-week abortion ban is now.

Christina Diamond is chief executive officer of Ruth’s List Florida. She is president and owner of Diamond Strategies, a campaign consulting firm, based in St. Petersburg, Fla.

Ruth’s List was founded in 2008 by Alex Sink, who at the time served as Florida’s Chief Financial Officer. It is named for Ruth Bryan Owen, the first woman elected to Congress from the South, who took office in 1929.

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