Election endorsements: Lee County and Fort Myers, Fla.

The flag of Lee County, Fla.

Aug. 8, 2024

One of the media’s most important roles in American democracy is evaluating candidates for public office and presenting the facts to voters.

But beyond just the facts, the media should play a clearly defined role in endorsing those candidates judged the most qualified.

An endorsement is not a command; it is a suggestion to voters. But it should be an informed suggestion based on research and experience.

Regrettably, in Southwest Florida some of the most established media platforms no longer endorse. They shy away from or ignore this vital function.

But nature abhors a vacuum. In communities large and small, citizen journalists have stepped in to provide the news and insight for voters to make informed, considered decisions on whom they want to govern and represent them.

It is in that spirit that The Paradise Progressive is making these endorsements.

While The Paradise Progressive concentrates most of its local coverage on Collier County, it also covers the actions of members of Congress from the 17th and 19th congressional districts, both of which include Lee County.

Accordingly, what follow are endorsements for contested primary elections in Lee County and Fort Myers.

Early primary voting begins this Saturday, Aug. 10 and goes one week until Aug. 17. Early voting locations in Lee County can be found here.

Election Day is Aug. 20.  

US Senate

Republican nominee for US Senator

There is no endorsement for a Republican nominee. The incumbent, Sen. Rick Scott, has repeatedly demonstrated egregious incompetence in ways that harmed the state and people he represents. He has also called for sunsetting the Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid programs on which many Southwest Floridians depend.

(For more on Scott’s record, see: “Rick Scott meets the Peter Principle” and “Rick Scott, already in a hole, digs deeper.”)

Democratic nominee for US Senator

  • Endorsement: Debbie Mucarsel-Powell

Debbie Mucarsel-Powell is a committed, articulate, energetic activist who has served in the US House of Representatives. She can be expected to do an outstanding job representing Florida and all its citizens in the US Senate.

(For a profile of Mucarsel-Powell, see: “Debbie Mucarsel-Powell, ready for the Senate and on a roll.”)

US House of Representatives

Democratic nominee for Congressional District 17

  • Endorsement: Matthew Montavan

It’s tough to make an endorsement when there are two committed candidates who both mean well, seek to serve the public and share many of the same positions on the issues.

However, Matthew Montavan’s academic credentials, his government experience, his longstanding promotion of good governance, his community commitment, his Peace Corps service and his long career with the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, mark him as an outstanding candidate.

He knows government and how it functions. There will be no learning curve when he takes the oath of office.

Montavan will make an excellent representative for the people of the 17th District.

Lee County Supervisor of Elections

  • Endorsement: Tommy Doyle

Tommy Doyle has been serving as Lee County Supervisor of Elections since 2016. Since then election results have been unchallenged and the office has not faced allegations of impropriety, inaccuracy or illegality. Doyle should be re-elected to continue to do his job and Lee County voters will be able to have confidence in the reported results of their elections.

In contrast, as in Collier County, Doyle’s opponent is driven by unfounded suspicion and ideological motivations. Michael Peters calls for a return to hand-counted ballots, the end of computerized ballot tabulating systems and wants to “make elections great again”—whatever that means.

The judges (on all ballots)


  • Erik Leontiev (20th Judicial Circuit, Group 6)

  • Elizabeth Krier (20th Judicial Circuit, Group 28)

It’s very difficult to render judgments on judges who are supposed to make objective, unbiased decisions based on the law on a case-by-case basis.

In this instance both sitting judges have records unblemished by accusations of ethical lapses or improper behavior. Nothing in their records indicates any unfitness for office or reasons for discontinuation of their service.

Krier briefly came into political prominence in Southwest Florida from 2020 to 2022 when she adjudicated a lawsuit brought by congressional candidate Casey Askar against Rep. Byron Donalds (R-19-Fla.). Askar charged that Donalds had defamed him but Krier ruled that he hadn’t done so with malice and Askar lost the case. Her ruling appeared sound and reasonable. (The full story and coverage of the ruling can be read at “The Donalds Dossier: Putin’s pal; an address mess; and a legal laurel—Updated.”)

Lee County School Board, District 3

  • Endorsement: Kaitlyn Schoeffel

Lee County will benefit from having Kaitlyn Schoeffel of Estero on its School Board. She wants to improve community communication with the school system and upgrade its use of technology.  She’s concerned with school safety and having a “supportive and inclusive” school culture. She also promises to advocate for better pay, resources and support for teachers and staff.

Schoeffel has worked as a substitute teacher and dance instructor and has two children in the public school system. On her own initiative she created Operation Empowerment, an initiative to promote the arts to children—something that has taken on new importance with Gov. Ron DeSantis’ complete veto of arts funding in Florida.

These experiences and her commitment to improving Lee County public schools merit her election.

Fort Myers City Council Ward 2

  • Endorsement: Jacquelyn McMiller

Fort Myers is fortunate to have three committed and community-minded candidates seeking to serve on the city council in Ward 2.

However, Jacquelyn stands out for her community activism, her local focus and her knowledge of land use and housing issues. She’s also familiar with risk management, redevelopment and construction projects, all of critical interest to the City of Fort Myers.

Fort Myers City Council Ward 4

  • Endorsement: Cindy Banyai

Cindy Banyai is a committed political activist who wants “to create a Fort Myers where the sun shines on everyone!” as she puts it on her website.

Banyai has long been politically active in Southwest Florida, running twice for Congress in the 19th Congressional District. Having worked on projects in the City of Fort Myers she has seen how calls for change get pigeonholed and ignored, while public dollars go into private pockets.

“I'm here to say that corruption is not ‘just the way it is’ and I'm here to put a stop to it,” she vows.

Her election will be to the benefit of Fort Myers and all the people who call it home.

Liberty lives in light

© 2024 by David Silverberg

ALERT! Anti-choice activists urge Lee County resolution against Amendment 4

Election endorsements: Winning the war for competence in Collier County, Fla.